Now, here's where it gets a little confusing - the SS parka was issued three different times in three different versions. The first (issued in the winter of 42/43) had a fur-lined interior and a green-grey exterior. This version is known as the "Kharkov" pattern, since most of the troops fighting in the Third Battle of Kharkov wore it. The second (issued in the winter of 43/44) was reversible, having a white interior and a green-grey exterior. The third and final (issued in the autumn of 1944, just before the Ardennes Offensive) was also reversible, having a white interior and a camouflage exterior. As with most SS camouflage, these were (as far as I can tell) issued in every pattern, though logic would dictate autumnal patterns like the brown versions of Plane Tree and Oak Leaf would be most prevalent. The last two versions had interiors lined with Reizwolle, a recycled felt-like material made from wool, cotton, and rayon.
As you can see from the box art and the miniatures themselves, the wool-like texture of the parkas is replicated. While I believe the sculptor's intent was to replicate the Reizwolle of the two later versions, at 28mm these could easily pass for the earlier fur-lined Kharkov pattern. By leaving out the StG44-armed figures and mixing them with some troops in greatcoats, this set could be used to bulk out Mid-War forces as well. While two of the figures have integral heads, Warlord's "Separate Head System" allows some uniqueness to the other 8, which have the choice of 10 different heads.
The squad includes the following:
- NCO with StG44 assault rifles
- 2-man MG42 LMG team
- 1 man with StG44 assault rifle
- 2 men with StG44 assault rifles & panzerfaust
- 2 men with Kar98 rifles
- 2 men with Kar98 rifles & panzerfausts
As of BA ver. 2, this squad would cost 190pts or 220pts, if the Fanatics option is taken. Personally, I think Fanatics is good, as not having to take a morale check upon losing 50% of the squad can be helpful, especially in games that requite objective holding in the late game. This squad could portray any force on the Eastern Front, in Hungary, and especially one during the Battle of the Bulge.
All in all, I really enjoyed this set. It's visually interesting and well-equipped and would make a great addition to any Late War German force. I hope Warlord finds this set profitable and expands this to encompass specialist weapons and gun crews.
All in all, I really enjoyed this set. It's visually interesting and well-equipped and would make a great addition to any Late War German force. I hope Warlord finds this set profitable and expands this to encompass specialist weapons and gun crews.
- A unique set for Late War German forces
- Well replicated Waffen SS parkas
- Scaled perfectly with Warlord's other figures
- 2 extra heads
- Some heads appear slightly underscale
- Oddly, one crouching figure had mold slippage in between his legs, resulting in my having to file away large portions of detail but, due to its placement, really isn't noticeable
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