Well, my WIP Ogryn for the Adeptus Arbites Patrol Squad has finally been finished. It's been a little difficult to get in painting lately as my wife recently fell and broke her foot. This guy's big enough though to be a constant reminder on my workbench and I used some free-time this past Sunday to finish him up. I'm rather pleased with the result...
And here's a shot to show just how massive this Ogryn is next to the Arbite Proctor:
Miniatures by Games Workshop, Bases are scratchbuilt.
Awesome work! Inspiring! What was your base model?
@Scott Pyle: A Blood Bowl Ogre and a lot of greenstuff.
Great converting and painting!
Great idea, great implementation. Nice sense of movement from those keys. I would not have thought of adding keys in a milion years. Wish I had thought of this conversion ;)
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