Thursday, April 8, 2010

Doctor Who 'The Eleventh Hour' Rules Released!

With the new season of Doctor Who now begun, the team behind DWMG have released a stand-alone scenario and set of rules based on the first episode, "The Eleventh Hour". Please note that, obviously, this PDF contains spoilers if you've not yet seen the show.

Any, if you haven't seen the show.....WTF ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? (For those of us outside the UK, I'll simply say 't-o-r-r-e-n-t'...)

I admit I had serious misgivings about Matt Smith and Moffat taking over the reins of RTD but I must say this episode was simply magical. It transported me back to the first time I watched the 5th Doctor on PBS way, way back in the 1980s! Let's hope this entire season stays so wonderful...

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