
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tutorial: Making a 15mm Graveyard

-X-acto Knife

-Basing Material (MDF, etc.)
-1/2" Foamboard
-Sheet styrene and plasticard shapes
-Fencing material (see below)
-Static grass, clump foliage

Step 1: Cut your basing material to shape and size. Glue down the foamboard and cut to size. Shape and slope the edges as desired.

Step 2: Using the ballpoint pen, mark the perimeter where the fence will be placed.

Step 3: Next, mark where each row of gravestones & markers will be placed. In the pic below, I'm using a medium FOW base as a rough guide to how large I want each aisle to be.

Step 4: Mark where you want the entrance and path up to the graveyard to be. In the pic below I've roughly laid out stone steps but feel free to use a simple rutted path, wide paved road entrance, or other suitable pathway, depending on the terrain you want to reproduce.

Step 5: If necessary, cut out your pathway. To make stairs, simply make one vertical cut (not too deep) and one horizontal cut (not too deep) on each line and pluck out the excess.

Step 6: Lay down your perimeter fence. In the pic below, I'm using various small stones and gravel to build up an un-mortared fieldstone wall. I start by laying down strong white glue on the perimeter lines and then placing one wide layer of single stones over that. After letting it dry, I lay down further subsequent single layers until the fence is at least waist high on a 15mm figure.

If you want a brick wall, simply cut a long rectangle of foamboard and using your ballpoint pen, mark out out brick on both sides. When done, glue this down.

If you want a simple wooden fence, you can use matchsticks for fence posts and either basswood strips or very thin wood coffee stirrers for fencing. Cut each post to size, leaving a little bit of extra to sharpen and push into the foamboard. Glue the posts in. When dry, cut the strips or stirrers to length and glue to the posts.

Step 6: Using plasticard and plasticard shapes, cut out different headstones and grave markers. Use Google Images to search for different kinds of grave markers that work fr your terrain. In the pics below, you'll see that I used simple cuts and various shapes to build all kinds of markers. Experiment and don't worry about making too much - you can use the excess in other projects or on bases!

Be sure to cut your headstones longer than necessary so you can sharpen one end. Push the sharpened end into the foamboard and glue.

If you want to make an open grave or two (don't over-do it!), simple make a rectangular incision into the foamboard next to a grave marker and pluck out the excess material. It actually looks more realistic if the bottom isn't perfectly flat.

Step 7: Texture, seal, and paint your graveyard. I didn't texture mine, sealed it with colored gesso, and then covered it with static grass and clump foliage.

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