
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Commission: FOW Soviety Tankovy Company

So, I just realized I didn't post anything here at all for the entire month of May....yeesh, sorry about that dear readers. My family has been hit by some pretty major setbacks and projects in the past month. While I may have welcomed the change of issues, it certainly wasn't a change of pace.

Luckily, I was able to pump out an entire Flames of War Soviet Tankovy company for a client this past month in between issues. Everything you see here is from scratch - I cleaned, built, primed, painted, and decaled everything you see here. The client asked for a Mid to Late War Tankovy company in the (somewhat rare) two-tone camouflage scheme of Russian Armor Green and Green (really Brown) Ochre, that was applied in the field by some companies in the mid-war period.

This was my first foray into building the Battlefront plastics and, to be honest, I didn't really enjoy the assembly. Granted, the ISU was pretty much a breeze but the SU and T-34s have some issues that made it difficult to assemble them (floating barrel attachments, lower turret pieces not fitting correctly, and easy-to-lose separate exhaust pieces). The new plastic fenders are pretty spectacular in comparison to the old metal ones, which constantly chip and fall off my old T-43 Tankovy Co.; so I won't complain too much. The ISUs are missing their DshK AA MGs which have not been glued prior to shipping in the pics below.

Also, not pictured are the T-34/76 turrets I did for each tank as well

Base color is Testors Acryl Russian Armor Green (first time using this color and I love it!) with VMC Green Ochre stripes; detail washes with P3 Armor Wash and GW Green. Tracks are my usual Pavement Grey, washed with Testors Acryl Rust, then drybrushed with GW Boltgun Metal. Gunmetal parts are Pavement Grey, washed with P3 Armor wash, then highlighted Slate Grey. Tank crew wear my custom Telo Mimetico Blue, washed with GW Blue Ink; fleshtones in VMC Flat Flesh, washed with GW Ogryn Flesh.

Decals are either BF or I-94. Very slight weathering applied with Dark Earth Pigments.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to my always patient client on this one. Hope you enjoy it J!

1 comment:

  1. I asked Jeremy to take on this project. The completed vehicles arrived last week and were very well packaged. No damage during transit and they look amazing in person! Sorry Jeremy but I don't think the internet does them proper justice. I am stoked to have them because I will get to use them in an upcoming doubles event with a good friend.

    The green and brown camouflage really looks great together and makes the vehicles more fun to look at and push around on the table than the traditional green soviet force. The pattern catches your eye and begs you to take a closer look at all the details like the stowage, stolen German weapons, and weathering and wear Jeremy put into each of them.

    Thanks again for taking on the project, they turned out awesome, just in time for Father's Day. Bonus.

