
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Warlord Games' Panzer III Ausf. J

The 2nd model I built specifically for the Bolt Action Tank Wars "Battle of Kursk" event at Adepticon 2016 is Warlord Games' resin Panzer III Ausf. J. Like the Nashorn, I bought this model on a whim and ended up really liking it. It's well detailed and proportioned and has a very nice heft. I added a stowage rack along the rear of the engine deck from an old HO model fence and various bits to make it look "lived in". 

Exterior was done in VMC Middlestone, highlighted with VMC Pale Sand. Interior is Testors Acryl Olivgrun, drybrushed with white. Probably not 100% historically accurate but more eye-catching then the creamy German interior color. Decals are Rubicon. The vehicle is pin dot oil washed, with worn metal done in #2 pencil, and dried mud in Light Earth dry pigments. 

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous stuff. Loving all your treadheady goodness recently.
