
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Death on the Danube: Bolt Action Nationals Best Appearance

So I've had a couple of players name drop my Hungarians in a couple of different groups after Adepticon BA Nationals for my Best Appearance award and I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of the completed army I used. If you are coming here for the first time, you can see detailed pics of every unit in my subsequent posts.

I'm as stunned as anyone with the award win, as there were many, many great armies and the competition was fierce. Thank you to Warlord Games, the tournament organizers, and the players who attended. It was an amazing time and I hope to see you all next year!

The completed Mountain Troop squad, which I didn't have time to post before Adepticon...

The Gendarme is usually the Medic's "assistant", but I used him as the 2nd Lt.'s for Nationals. I do like the juxtaposition of their differing gestures...


  1. Congrats. You must be pleased with that- it is a great looking force.



  2. One of my favorite armies I saw at Adepticon man, nice job on them. --Brian Ward

  3. Was a nice looking army. Wished I could have played it.

    British Paras
