
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Death on the Danube: Completed Vehicles

I was able to finish up the majority of my Hungarian vehicles this past weekend and am rather pleased with how they turned out. The Zrinyi (nicknamed "Gloria") and the Csaba are finished in hard-edged three-tone camouflage of Testors Sandgelb, Vallejo German Medium Brown, and a 50/50 mix of Testors Russian Armor & AB Ivy Green. The Assault Artillery crewmen of the Zrinyi are from JTFM's German crew in Winter gear, and they perfectly represent the AA uniform of 43-45 with Vallejo German Uniform coveralls and side caps with Reaper Dark Leather padded vests. The Csaba commander is also from JTFM with reversible winter camo anorak and field cap. These are lovely miniatures and, even with some inaccuracies, they were fun to build and paint.

The Rubicon Opel Blitz is painted in an overall Vallejo Middlestone with a removable canvas top painted in AB Pavement Grey. While a nice model, I had trouble with paint and primer peeling off in areas that I assume were missed when I washed the mold release off. My advice is to keep the kit submerged in hot water with copious amounts of dish soap and scrub thoroughly before assembly to avoid this!

The decals are (mostly) Mad Bob (which are fantastic!) and I-94.

1 comment:

  1. Man, those look awesome man. I like the colors of the camo.
