
Monday, November 30, 2015

Small Prison Complex

 Following up on my review of Black Grom's excellent lasercut prison and sentry box, here is the completed small prison complex I made with them. My apologies for the poor quality of photos - the camera and lighting added a very heavy yellow tint I couldn't completely eliminate.

I added an MDF base with barbed wire fencing around the perimeter made from floral wire. The sign is interchangeable between Soviet and German versions - one reads "NKVD Prison" and simply "Prison" in German. I used oil drums from the 1/48 Tamiya set (popping the top off one and adding ballast to simulate a barrel fire), wood "pickle barrels", and S scale railroad scenery bits.

While the jailhouse itself is nice, I did make a more in-scale front door and tin roofing from plasticard. I added a small ladder to access the roof in the rear of the building, added a scratchbuilt stove from plastic bits to the guard room (complete with documents scattered about after attempting to be burned!), blood spatter and graffiti in the cells, and propaganda posters throughout.

This is terrain piece suitable for nearly all 20th century battlefields right through to the modern day (and even in Post-Apocalypse or SciFi terrain) and in many different locations around the world.


  1. timeless prison really, I can find photos from just before the 20th century with structures like this. I can imagine they still use corrugated tin for backwater prisons in the far far future.

  2. Outstanding ! Do you have floor plans or directions ? Thabks and Happy. Holidays .
